Sunday, October 23, 2005


something totally not related to transformers . this action figure is form the new Batman animated series "The Batman" . . . the artwork of this sure does is different from previous ones, more anime like . i would definitely recommend this to any cartoon lover . more information of this series can be found as the following URL>

Transformers Cybertron Minicons wave 1

continue from previous post , although these are merely some repaints but they sure does look good , IMO. the prices are also wonderful. pick them up from KLCC Isetan.

Minicons as follows:
Razorclaw VS Steamhammer
Shockwave VS Tankor
Sku Lynx VS Thunderblast

thErE And bAck AgAIn =)

finally one week comes and goes and I'm back
home hopefully for good. . . been a good experince for me but the travelling does is torturing considering tat I took bus instead of flight to and from KL . stingy company i'll say . anyway my final haul from KL sure does is wonderful . . hehehe

1st 2 items as follows:
Transformers Cybertron Brushguard
Transformers Cybertron Wreckloose

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

blogging from KL

Been busy with lotsa stuffs for the last 2 months and during this time, many unfortunate events actually took place :( . . . currently , i am in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia conducting training sessions for the offshore counterpart as my company had more or less decided that it is much more cost effective to have support moved overseas.

Well , been here for almost 2 weeks and surprisingly, KL is like a mini treasure chest. Had managed to bought some so called RARE stuffs.

Transformers Ultra Magnus VS Treadshot
Zoids Tomica Blade Liger (Blue and Red)
The Batman Hammer Strike Joker
The Batman Penguin
The Batman Firefly
The Batman Man Bat
The Batman Mr Freeze